Free breast screening for Indian women

BreastScreen NSW Mobile Screening unit will return to Warringah Mall from the 10th of January until the 23rd of March 2011.   The screening unit will be located behind HCF on Pittwater Road. The service is free for women over 40 years of age with women 50 to 69 years of age particularly encouraged to attend.

Breast cancer is the most common cause of death from cancer among Australian women. The Cancer Map of NSW indicates that breast cancer is a significant health issue on Sydney’s North Shore.

Approximately one in nine women in NSW will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.   The chances of getting breast cancer increases as women get older, with over 75% of breast cancers detected in women over 50. Early detection of breast cancer while it is small and before it has a chance to spread is the most important factor in determining the survival and recovery of a woman from the disease.   Regular screening increases the likelihood that breast cancers are found as early as possible, while they are small.

BreastScreen NSW has a proud history in supporting women within the Northern Sydney Central Coast area.   More than 45,000 women were screened during the last year.

BreastScreen NSW operates screening and assessment services at Royal North Shore and Gosford Hospitals with additional screening sites in Dee Why, Erina, Hornsby, Lindfield and Wahroonga.   The BreastScreen NSW unit provides mobile services at selected locations in the Northern Beaches, Ryde and Central Coast areas.

To book an appointment, please call 13 20 50 today.

Interpreter Service 13 14 50

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