Prue Guillaume ”“ a labour candidate from Mulgoa

by Neena Badhwar

Indian community in the western Sydney has a Labour candidate, Prue Guillaume, who is standing from the seat of Mulgoa. TIDU met Prue at the Indian subcontinent community Labour launch held at Parravilla function Centre in Parramatta.

A Nicky Haley look alike, Prue has Indian and French heritage with a grandfather who was French and   a dad who hails from Durgapur, West Bengal, India.   Prue fully supports the Indian community in the area where she says she was able to help secure a gurdwara ”“ a Sikh temple in Jamiestown as Penrith city councilor for the last two and a half years.

Say Prue, “I have attended their religious ceremonies and have had community feast ”“ the’ langar’ with them. I always come back with the feeling of a great social justice within the Sikh community at the temple when they all sit together on the floor and have a meal. And that is what I hold to my heart ”“ a sense of social justice. I will always be a strong supporter in the Parliament for the Indian community.”

When asked about Indian specific issues, Prue said that resolving the issue of the Gurdwara was one and iterated that “My ears are always open.”

Any issues or problems she knew from them, Prue answers, “Not that   they have raised any issues. If anyone is victimized that is not to be condoned in Australia. People from all over the world are welcome to study and live here without fear. I am a strong supporter of multiculturalism. What more can I say than that I myself come from a French Indian background and my children may well be from Indian-Australian-French- Croatian mix who knows. That is the story and reality of Australia ”“ that is raising a family that has roots from all corners of the world.”

Prue talks about her achievements as a Penrith City Councillor and that she has been actively involved in helping the Soccer and Rugby Leagues Club get a funding of $180,000 for improving the soccer field, cleaning up local parks, she helped stop a tip at Orchard Hills and forced the government to back down on a plan to dump   5,000 tonne radioactive waste at Kemps Creek and getting a fenced Dog park for the local residents.

“My promise is to speak for the people in my area in parliament if elected no matter who wins, make sure that the development of the area is kept in check in line with the infrastructure. My job is to make sure that road and railways is there to connect the people instead of Mr. Barry O’Farrel’s idea of cutting down on Western Express which will be 6,000 less commuters   on an AC train per hour. I will fight for all this once elected.”

“Regarding the Law and Order problems in St. Clair and Glenwood Park which have come to my attention are antisocial behavior, speeding cars, cars being egged. My job would be to ask for more resources for the police so that residents here feel safe. I will strive to have strong voice in the parliament.”

So whats’ the general feeling like”¦how is Labour doing over there ”“ TIDU asks ”“ to which Prue answers, “It is very very hard. It is a tough campaign yet I am door knocking every day seven days a week. It will be a line ball decision ”“ just a handful of votes will decide the final outcome.” says Prue who is determined to work hard and get there like Nicky Haley did in America. Good luck Prue!

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