Experience higher consciousness with Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra
The Mind, Body and Soul Retreat. Come and be inspired.
This is it””the conference you’ve been waiting for!
I Can Do It! has it all:
Ӣ A host of dynamic speakers to entertain and enlighten you
Ӣ Fascinating seminars and workshops
Ӣ Book-signing events with the authors after each session
Ӣ The companionship of new friends who share your interests
Ӣ An onsite bookstore with a variety of books, CDs, DVDs, and other products
from your favourite authors
I Can Do It! is sure to energize your mind, body, and spirit””the event has all you would ever want and more! Once you attend your first ICDI conference, it won’t be your last!
9.00am ”“ 9.15am*
Best-selling author and self-help pioneer Louise L. Hay welcomes you to this extraordinary weekend conference with her simple messages about affirmations and how to use the power of your thoughts to heal your life.
9.15am ”“ 11.00am*
A Course in Weight Loss
What is the connection between spirituality and weight loss? Bestselling author Marianne Williamson answers that question for you in her lecture, bringing you spiritual lessons to help you surrender your weight forever. These lessons form a holistic paradigm for weight loss, addressing the spiritual, emotional, and psychological elements involved in what Williamson refers to as “conscious weight loss.” Her lecture addresses the true causal root of your weight-loss issues: a place within you where you have forgotten your divine perfection. This forgetfulness has confused not only your mind but also your body, making you reach for that which cannot sustain you . . . and reject that which does. As your mind reclaims its spiritual intelligence, your body will reclaim its natural intelligence as well. As Williamson writes: “When it comes to your enjoyment of eating, your best days are not behind you but ahead of you!” So get ready to begin a new relationship with food . . . and with yourself.
11.30am ”“ 1.00pm*
Be Happy! Release the Power of Happiness in YOU!
Are you living a happy life? Are you clear on what true happiness is? Would you like to be happier? In this practical and entertaining keynote presentation, Dr Robert Holden gives you a front-row seat on his eight-week happiness program””featured on Oprah and famously tested by independent scientists for the BBC-TV documentary How to Be Happy. Step-by-step, he introduces you to a set of proven principles and techniques that will help you to enjoy more happiness now.
Key lessons include:
Follow Your Joy””stop chasing happiness and start following your joy.
The Happiness Contract””undo inner blocks to happiness and success.
The Real More””increase your natural capacity for happiness and abundance.
The Forgiveness Practice””give up all hopes for a better past and live happily even after.
The Gift of Happiness””use the power of happiness to live a life you love.
3.00pm ”“ 6.00pm*
Healing Transformation and Higher Consciousness
For the first time in Australia Deepak will be presenting the latest, cutting edge information on three areas that he believes will enhance our lives. Deepak will address the questions that many of us have been pondering, such as, is there an ultimate reality? Do we have the ability to influence the future evolution of the cosmos? How does our understanding of consciousness also enhance our capacity for total well being? and many more. Discover how you can access practical ways to experience higher consciousness and transform your wellbeing by being part of this inspirational workshop.
SUNDAY JULY 31, 2011
9.00am ”“ 12.00pm*
In the Presence of Archangels: Receiving Celestial Guidance
Join Doreen Virtue for an inspiring and entertaining seminar in which she connects you with the 15 archangels who help us all to live healthier and happier lives. You’ll experience the different profound energies and specialties of Archangels Raphael the healer, Michael the protector, Raguel the relationship angel, and many more. Doreen will guide you through a powerful healing process and give angel readings using her oracle card decks. Mark Watson will provide live channeled angel meditation music throughout the seminar.
1.30pm ”“ 3.30pm*
The Spirit Whisperer: Messages from the Other Side
Do you yearn to hear from a family member or close friend who recently passed? Do you have what it takes to communicate with them? In this amazing lecture, you’ll meet one of the top communicators with the Spirit World””psychic medium John Holland, who will not only bring you messages from your deceased loved ones, but will show you how to discover your innate intuitive abilities and fine-tune your connection to the Other Side. You’ll learn the different forms of communication and signs that your loved ones are sending to you, and you’ll also discover your own psychic strengths. Plus, John will include astounding demonstrations of live readings with messages for some of the audience members.
4.00pm ”“ 6.00pm*
Past Lives/Present Miracles
Do you want to know who you were in a past life? Have you wondered how your past incarnations are affecting your current life? Meet your Master Guide and experience a live regression to release deeply rooted blockages at their source. Denise Linn-the author of Past Lives/Present Miracles and teacher of professional certification courses in past life regression on four continents””will help you to release karma that you received from your parents, ancestral family and past incarnations. Begin to comprehend your true destiny and purpose. Learn about the choices that you made before you were born. Activate talents and abilities that you once possessed in a past life.
See Link: – http://www.hayhouse.com.au/tour_details.php?tour_id=15
Short URL: https://indiandownunder.com.au/?p=774