Barry O’Farrell’s Best wishes for Deepavali

“On behalf of the NSW Government, I extend very best wishes to everyone for a happy 2011 Deepavali celebration.

The NSW Government recognises Deepavali ”“ the Festival of Lights ”“ as the most important festival of the year for Australians of Indian origin and other communities.

It’s message of the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness is universal and resonates with all New South Wales citizens regardless of their cultural backgrounds.

Deepavali is a very joyful day which the people of NSW are delighted to share with their friends and neighbours.

My Government is proud of the State’s dynamic cultural and religious diversity which strengthens our community and helps secure our future success.

The multiculturalism NSW enjoys allows us to experience the best of what the world has to offer right here at home.

Important festivals, like Deepavali, also provide opportunities for all citizens to learn more about the diverse heritages, customs and cultures of our neighbours, friends and work colleagues.

I congratulate the many community-based organisations who lead this worthy work of sharing Deepavali’s rich traditions with all of us.”

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