Beware of fraud: police cautions


Police are urging people to take extra care to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of fraud.

Police are noticing an increase in matters reported to police whereby members of the community were targeted by fraudsters.

The scam involves hoax telephone calls being made to individuals saying they have won a large amount of money in an overseas lottery. The caller states that in order to collect the winnings they need to pay an amount of money; this is usually a percentage of the winnings. Victims are given an overseas number to call to arrange the deposit and are requested to either transfer their money to an account or send it through Western Union.

“This is a serious crime. However, by taking simple precautions, you can reduce the risk,” Superintendent Phillip Rogerson, Flemington Local Area Commander, said.

Police advise people not to engage in any transfer of money with these syndicates, or provide their banking details to them. “If you have not entered such competitions or registered with the company, do not reply,” Superintendent Rogerson warned.

People who fall victims to such scams are encouraged to report it to police.


For crime in progress or other emergency, phone 000, ask for police

For non emergencies situations phone 131 444

Anonymously phone Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000

Auburn Police station, 9649 8699

Attend the local Police station.




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