India club organises info session on domestic violence

India Club Women Caucus-an Indian Community Forum initiative

A special session for Men and Women


India Club – Indian Community Forum, together with Police Superintendent and Commander of The Hills Local Area Command Mr. Philip Flogel, is hosting a very important information session on domestic violence, under “Women Caucus” an Indian Community Forum.

All are invited to this vital information session on Emotional Abuse and Domestic Violence, designed for all to contribute to welfare of   the community; to help realize problems and to promote active participation in multiple ways to redress the issues. A select group of Hills Shire Councillors and Head of the local Domestic Violence Advisory Committee will also assist the forum. This session will cover legal framework and policies that the police work within.

It is an educational and inspirational session for women & men both.


Date:                              12th February 2012

Time:      Assemble at 2 pm for 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm session

Venue:      Epping Leisure & Learning Centre,

1 Chambers Court, Epping (below Epping Library)


Snacks will be served.

Contact Shubha Kumar – 9873 1207 / 0402 257 588

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