Message from Hon Victor Dominello on Indian Independence Day



Message from the Minister for Citizenship and Communities


I am delighted to send my warmest wishes to our local Indian community as you celebrate Indian Independence Day 2012, marking 65 years since Indian independence from British reign.

The Indian community has established itself as one of the larger and fastest growing groups in the community, making a great contribution to the development of the State, for which we are very grateful.

According to the latest figures, two per cent of all NSW residents were born in India. This represents very welcome ”“ and quite phenomenal ”“ growth of 67 per cent since 2006.

The diversity of the Indian community reflects the multicultural nature of our broader community. Our diversity ”“ combined with our shared values of peace, unity, and democracy ”“ makes our State an exciting and vibrant place to live.

I wish the Indian community a joyous celebration, and continued growth and prosperity in the coming year.


Hon Victor Dominello MP

Minister for Citizenship and Communities

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