SBS interviews Satwant Singh Kaleka’s nephew


Wisconsin rallies after the horrific Sikh Temple


In an emotional interview with SBS, the nephew of Satwant Singh Kaleka has paid tribute to his uncle who died earlier this week, trying to save others from an armed gunman at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. The horrific mass murder claimed six lives.

Speaking to SBS Radio Punjabi program EP Manpreet Singh from Oak Creek, Kanwardeep Singh Kaleka said of his uncle, who was President of Gurudwara temple said, “He used to work so hard for the community, everyone knew that if they approached him for help, their job would be done. And even in his last moments, he was only fighting for members of the sangat.”

Kanwardeep personally knew many of the other deceased and also shared poignant stories about them. Talking about 39 year old Parkash Singh, he said, “He was such a wonderful man. His wife and two children had recently migrated from India and joined him in the month of June. His little daughter is devastated because her father was shot right in front of her eyes. No child should ever witness something so horrific.”

Candlelight vigils have been held by the local community every night since the tragedy, which have been attended by Americans of all ethnic backgrounds and all faiths. Kanwardeep said, “The message we are trying put across to everyone is, get rid of hatred and ignorance. Let us find brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers in other people. If we think like that, incidents like this will never happen. Yesterday’s vigil was all about coming closer as a community, and all the speakers emphasised that.”

A funeral service and wake for the victims will be held in Oak Creek today, Friday, August 10.

A vigil to honour the victims will also be held in Federation Square in Melbourne, today from 5-7pm. All are welcome and encouraged to bring a candle to light.

The three people wounded but not killed in the attack, including a US policeman, are all recovering well – Kanwardeep had met the three just hours before speaking to SBS and said the policeman even managed to give him a ”˜thumbs up’.

To listen to the full interview with Kanwardeep Singh Kaleka, go to or

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