Justice Michael Kirby on ”˜What would Gandhi do today?’

Michael Kirby

The Gandhi Oration commemorates Martyrs’ Day and is delivered by a person whose life’s work exemplifies the ideals of Gandhi.

The oration this year on 30th January will be delivered by The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG who will address the topic of “What would Gandhi do today? A meditation on the contemporary challenges of human rights.” Michael Kirby has tirelessly advocated for equal opportunities and is internationally recognised for his humanitarian efforts as well as his long standing contribution to the Australian legal system.

The Gandhi Oration will be preceded by a remembrance ceremony at the Gandhi bust on the UNSW Library Lawn to commemorate the anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination on 30 January 1948. Guests are encouraged to attend both the ceremony and oration.

All welcome but RSVPs essential


Click here to RSVP by Monday 28 January 2013     and hyperlink to this URL:   https://unswinternational.wufoo.com/forms/m7x3q1/


Wednesday 30 January, 2013
Remembrance Ceremony
Time: Arrive at 5:15pm for 5:30pm start
Venue: UNSW Library Lawn
Gandhi Oration
Time: Arrive at 5:45pm for 6:15pm start [Light refreshments will be served]
Venue: Sir John Clancy Auditorium, UNSW


Short URL: https://indiandownunder.com.au/?p=2124