Red Shield Doorknock Appeal by Salvation Army this weekend May 25-26


When Salvos volunteers come knocking this weekend make sure to donate as fundraiser helps people who are in desperate need of assistance with a target of assisting 1 million people a year who find it difficult to make ends meet.

This year the national fundraising target for the Red Shield Appeal is $79 million with the culmination of the appeal being the doorknock which will take place on the weekend of 25 ”“ 26 May.

The Salvation Army’s Major Bruce Harmer says the money raised through the Red Shield Appeal is vital and will allow The Salvation Army to assist people who are in desperate need of assistance find freedom from whatever their circumstance may be.

“For a lot of families, the everyday stress of not having enough money to put food on the table is one thing, but having to say ”˜no’ to your child attending a class-mate’s birthday party because you can’t afford to buy a present; or telling your kids they can’t play sport or go on school excursions ”“ these are the kind of heartbreaking situations that bring struggling families to the point of despair,” said Major Harmer.

“The simple reality is that while it’s economically tough for the vast majority of Australians, many of the clients we see are in dire financial circumstances. They are finding it a struggle to manage on the little income they have and their situations are becoming increasingly complex.”

Funds raised through the Red Shield Appeal will help The Salvation Army to assist more than one million people a year to make ends meet ”“ providing a wide range of assistance including crisis and supported accommodation, food vouchers, help with bill payments and no-interest loans to cover unexpected expenses

Services specifically catering towards the needs of migrants or people of non-English speaking background include English conversation classes, seniors clubs, job placement services, refugee support including reuniting and advocacy services.                    

To give to the Red Shield Appeal, please call 13 SALVOS, visit, donate at any Westpac branch, or post your cheque to PO Box 9888 in your capital city.

For further information regarding The Salvation Army, visit

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