Happy Janamshtami to everyone today!


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Its Lord Sri Krishna’s birthday today which is celebrated worldwide and in Sydney too.

Every Hindu home proudly follows the holy book ”˜Srimad Bhagwat Gita’ ”“ a 700-verse scripture that is greatly revered by all the Hindusand was compiled by Adi Shankara in eighth century to begin with.  Referred to as the ‘Song of God’,  Gita is the scripture which contains conversation between Lord Krishna and Arjuna in the battlefield of Mahabharata war. About the Mahabharata war, Swami Vivekananda had once said, “When we sum up its esoteric significance, it means the war which is constantly going on within man between the tendencies of good and evil.”

In present times relevance of Bhagavad Gita is extremely important as many see the setting of the Gita in a battlefield as an allegory for the ethical and moral struggles of the human life same like Arjuna who sought Lord Krishna’s counsel when faced with moral dilemma of fighting against his own kith and kin.

Sri Krishna’s birth story is told and retold again and again in Indian homes.  From the day one He was born as God incarnate and as  baby Krishna had a mischievous childhood and youth as he revealed his divine powers through his many acts.

North Sydney Hare Krishna Temple at 180 Falcon  Street invites everyone to join in the Sri Krishna Janamashtami celebrations:

Progam Details:

·                  Janmashtami  (Thu 29 Aug): kirtan starts 5pm with arti (7pm, 9pm & midnight) and free prasad from 5:30pm onwards

·                  Srila Prabhupad Vyas Puja  (Fri 30 Aug): Offerings (10am), Abhishek (11am), Pushpanjali & Guru puja (12noon), Arti (12:30pm) & Prasad (1pm)

·                  Children’s Janmashtami  (Sat 31 Aug): with prasad & children’s programs from 12noon onwards

Short URL: https://indiandownunder.com.au/?p=2505