Visa 485 can help international students stay in Australia and work after completing a degree


sydney uni

International students have greater chances to find employment under the federal government’s changes to the 485 Temporary Graduate visa.

Under the changes to visa subclass 485, which took effect on March 23, foreign students who graduated with an Australian bachelor’s degree, masters or doctorate, can obtain a visa to remain and work in Australia for between two and four years, depending on their degree — a significant increase on the previous limit of 18 months.

In an already competitive job market, the incentive is to lure high quality overseas students to study in Australia.

The 485 visa application costs $2000 and rush to apply for it can lead to congestion. And issues such as previous Australian experience, different kind of work place culture and English language though the Indian students studying university degrees do have good English language skills, can be some of the challenges that Indian students may face.

Recently there was news that Australia is the most expensive destination to study for international students estimated to be costing $38,000 per year in fees.

Under the 485 Temporary Graduate Visa, students can obtain a two-year work visa if they studied in Australia for at least 16 months and have completed either a bachelor’s degree or a masters by course work. Students who completed a masters by research can qualify for a three-year visa, while those who completed a doctorate get four years.

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