Language Study – Have your say

CRC Chairperson Stepan Kerkyasharian urges everyone to participate in the consultation on the future of language learning in Australia. Says Stepan, “Learning a second language or the language of your ancestry brings benefits to your life.”

“The number of students learning a second language has been declining rapidly. Only 8% of Higher School Certificate candidates will sit a foreign language exam this year. Recent research has found that learning a second language will make you smarter, more decisive, better at English, boost school achievements and delay Alzheimer’s and dementia. It has also found that parents and community do not place a high value on language learning.”

The Board of Studies NSW which is responsible for the development of curriculums undertook a review of languages education in 2012-13 by carrying out a stocktake of current provision of language courses and an analysis of past State and Commonwealth initiatives and research into best practice.

The public now has an opportunity to participate in the Board of Studies NSW consultation process. For further information, including an online survey, please go to the Board of Studies NSW website at

All communities are encouraged to participate in the consultation for which the final date for submission is: 13 December 2013.

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