Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and young Prince George to visit Sydney at Easter


duke and duchess


NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell today on March 3, 2014 welcomed the announcement that Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and young Prince George will visit Sydney and the Blue Mountains between 16 and 20 April 2014.

“It’s a wonderful honour to have Their Royal Highnesses visit NSW so soon after the birth of their first child,” Mr O’Farrell said.

“I know the Royal couple and the young Prince will receive a very warm welcome from the people of NSW, who will be keen to get their first glimpse of Prince George,” he said.

Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Marie Bashir AC CVO and the Premier will co-host a reception at the Sydney Opera House welcoming Their Royal Highnesses to NSW on 16 April.

“I’m especially delighted The Duke and Duchess will be visiting the Blue Mountains to view the recovery and offer comfort and support to those affected by the devastating October bushfires,” Mr O’Farrell said.

“The Royal couple will also visit the Royal Easter Show, enjoy a surf lifesaving display at Manly beach, visit Bear Cottage to meet families and volunteers, visit Taronga Zoo to open the Bilby enclosure that will be officially named after Prince George, and attend the Easter Sunday church service at St Andrew’s Cathedral.

“We are delighted to be a host city for The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the young Royal Prince.

“The breathtaking pictures of their visit beamed right around the globe will be priceless in showcasing our great State to the world,” Mr O’Farrell said.

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