Sydneysiders interact with Sh Narendra Modi on Chai Pe Charcha

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OFBJP Australia (Overseas Friends of BJP Australia) participated from Sydney in Chai Pe Charcha programme on 8th March 2014. Chai pe Charcha, a simple idea to communicate with a handful of people, when laced with technology, has invoked huge pan India participation and Indians overseas with Shri Narendra Modi via web conference in real time. Saturday’s Chai Pe Charcha was unique and of special interest as it was occasion of International Woman’s Day.

The second in series of ”˜Chai Pe Charcha’ was conducted over 26 locations including 11 international locations worldwide.

Women in large numbers came out to share their ideas with Shri Modi and were keen to learn his views on diverse range of issues affecting women. The overwhelming response from men, women, children, and elders on this occasion underpins the fact that Shri Modi really understands the pulse of the nation.

Chai Pe Charcha has introduced a new avenue for discourse, which educate people the social challenges for Indians in particular for Indian women.

Women empowerment was the central theme of this discussion. OFBJP Australia member, Smt Poonam Sharma from Sydney presented a very worthy suggestion. She pointed that women in Australia are at the forefront of public facing professions like in public transport as bus drivers, ticket checkers, taxi operators, security etc.

In effect women are visible in jobs of authority in Australia. In India if women are seen to be in similar roles of authority, it would lead to revision of mindset and women would be more respected. Therefore we need to create a structure to encourage and facilitate more participation of women in roles of authority.

Large number of enthusiastic Sydneysiders stayed till late night to participate in the event and mark their support for BJP and Modi in General Election 2014.

“We would organize similar Chai Pe Charcha in other cities of Australia including Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide very soon,” said Balesh Singh Dhankhar, President OFBJP Australia. “Details of next CPC, which would be organised in Melbourne would be published on,” he added.

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