The Holy Dip with Mark Gould on March 23!


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An Indians’ desire to attend the Maha Kumbh Mela  that happens every twelve years with one  last year at Allahbad where the three rivers ”“ the Ganges, the Yamuna and the mythical Saraswati, is a sincere and deep wish we all have. Yet living overseas and the sheer thought of going to the festival with the largest crowd ever on this earth makes one think twice or even thrice to be courageous enough and adamant enough on one’s part to the belief that attending and taking a dip in the Ganges washes away one’s sins.

Director Mark Gould brings ”˜The Holy Dip’ ”“ a film on the Maha Kumbh Mela with premiere Screening  , ABC TV COMPASS program at 6.30pm on Sunday March 23  2014.

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Production Crew:  Barry Nichols, Ana Tiwary, Mark Gould and Christine Flynn

Narrated by Geraldine Doogue ”“ The Holy Dip is a ”˜must see’ TV documentary that  critically examines the world of belief and values, seeking meaning and a sense of purpose in life.

Three Australian families make the confronting pilgrimage to the  Maha Kumbh Mela , the largest gathering of humans on the planet,  where they plunge into a world record crowd of 30 million taking their holy dip in India’s most sacred river, the Ganges.

Director and filmmaker Mark Gould tells the story of the most ancient religious event on Earth – with a modern Australian twist. With producer Ana Tiwary Mark follows two Hindu families and one non-Hindu family making the sacred pilgrimage to India ”“ each with their own objectives.

Gould, who planned and worked on the film for more than two years and took a dip in the holy Ganges himself while filming, says, “Mahakumbh was a mind-blowing event, well organised and peaceful with millions of people united by one common purpose that is  to take a dip in Mother  Ganges.”

“To see the biggest mass of humanity, around thirty million people, gathered at one place of just 20 kilometre diameter, yet the city managed, rather India managed it, in an unbelievable fashion with an atmosphere that was peaceful, there was something in the air as everyone came and went, with least amount of injury, sanitation pretty well organised and no one overcharged as can happen in a western setting. There was plenty to eat and the prices were not over inflated due to the huge demand. Everyone had a smile on their face and that is what I was able to capture along with the three Australian families chosen for the film and their journey and purpose to attend the Maha Kumbh Mela ”“ an experience that only happens once every twelve years.”

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The Misra family


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Pushpa Choudhari with son

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The Turner family

The three families that are part of the film are:  The  Misra’s  want their adult children to reconnect with traditional Indian culture; Pushpa Choudhari  wants her teenagers to experience the Holy Dip amidst unbelievable crowds, as she did when growing up in Allahabad and The Turner family  who want to take their young family on a cultural adventure, build a boat and meet people through rowing pilgrims around the Ganges.

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Says Mark, “Each family fulfills their dream and reflects deeply on the spirit of modern Hinduism in this ancient Holy Festival just with a pious desire to take a dip in the Ganges and be able to pass on an experience and a tradition to their family members ”“ a tradition that has been carried in the holy city of Allahbad since antiquity. One has to be there to feel and experience this most unusual holy journey on the planet.”

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