Ghee: the new super food!









Ayurveda considers ghee the ultimate cooking oil  due to its cooking properties, wonderful taste and many healing benefits.   Most of the Ayurvedic medicines use ghee as a medium for absorption as it helps deliver the phytochemicals of herbs directly into the cells.

With its rich, buttery taste and flavour you can use half or two-thirds of ghee compared to other cooking oils.   It also has a very high burning point and can be used to sauté, bake, deep-fry plus as a spread or topping. Ghee causes less load on liver and nourishes each and every tissue of the body including liver which is the hardest working organ.

It is being claimed as the new super food and one can make herbal ghee at home using by boiling herb:butter:water in the ratio of 1:4:16 heated  gently on a low fire till only the ghee remains. All the properties of herbs are absorbed in the ghee. A Brahmi ghee is good for nerves.

Trifla oil is for strong, healthy hair and stops the hair from going grey when used internally. For topical use one can use coconut oil instead of the butter for a healthy crop of  shiny hair.

Ghee, also known as clarified butter, is a semi-liquid form of butter with the water, lactose and other milk solids cooked out.  Because it contains no water, it does not spoil easily and does not need to be refrigerated.

Ghee has many benefits for the body and mind:

  • Loosens and liquefies the toxins and allows them to be released
  • Carries the healing benefits of herbs, spices and foods deeper into the body
  • Lubricates and moistens the membranes and tissues, protecting them from damage
  • Lubricates the digestive system, aiding in digestion and assimilation of nutrients
  • Promotes learning, memory and recall as well as supporting a healthy vision, voice, intelligence and brain function
  • Enhances immunity and helps maintain good health, vitality and longevity
  • Is excellent for balancing the Vata Dosha which control all movement in the body and the mind, including the nervous system


As we prepare to enter the Vata or fall season which tends to dry you out, taking some extra oil in your diet can be helpful.   Ghee can be a wonderful ingredient to add into your foods, especially during this time of year.   However, if you have high cholesterol or other health concerns, check with your practitioner first.

How To Prepare Ghee

Take 1 pound of unsalted organic butter and put it in a heavy, medium-sized pan.   Begin to melt the butter on medium heat then turn down enough that the butter just boils gently.   Continue to cook at this heat, uncovered and stirring occasionally, for about 12-15 minutes.   The butter will foam and sputter awhile then quiet down and eventually begin to smell like popcorn and turn a lovely golden color.

Whitish curds will form on the bottom of the pot.   When these whitish curds turn a light tan color, the ghee is ready.   Take it off the heat immediately ”“ for this is when the ghee will most easily and likely burn.   Burned ghee has a nutty smell and a dull, slightly brownish color.   Overall, the cooking time should not be longer than 15-20 minutes depending on your pan and heat source.

Let the ghee cool until just warm and skim off any foam left on top.   Pour the ghee through a fine sieve or several of layers of cheesecloth over a strainer into a glass container with a tight lid.    Discard the curds at the bottom of the saucepan.

Ghee can be kept on a shelf, covered.   The medicinal properties are said to improve with age.     Do not use a wet utensil or allow any water to get into the container  as this will cause bacteria to grow and contaminate the ghee.

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