VU honours Julia Gillard

julia gillard


Victoria University will honour two great Australian women ”“ the Hon Julia Gillardand Mrs Kirsty Sword Gusmao ”“ at the University’s graduation ceremonies this week.
Ms Gillard and Mrs Sword Gusmao will be admitted to the degree of Doctor ofthe University,  honoris causa  in recognition of their significant contributions toeducation. Victoria University, Chancellor Mr George Pappas said, “On behalfof VictoriaUniversity Council I am delighted to acknowledge the work  of The

Hon JuliaGillard and Mrs Kirsty   Sword Gusmao in promoting the crucial

importance ofeducation in developing a strong and dynamic society.”

Julia Gillard championed education throughout her political career and one of

her early leadership roles (1983) was as National Education Vice-President of

the Australian Union of Students (AUS) and later that she became president

of the NUS.

Mr Pappas said, “We wish to honour Julia Gillard for her outstanding contribution

to Australian society as a Member of Federal Parliament representing the western

region of Melbourne. Ms Gillard championed important reforms of the education

sector designed to enhance educational outcomes for all Australians.

“On becoming Australia’s 27th  Prime Minister, she provided strong leadership

and introduced significant social initiatives including sweeping changes to the

delivery of disability care,” he said.

Mrs Kirsty Sword Gusmao will be awarded an honorary degree by the University

in recognition of her outstanding community service in championing the

importance of education in improving the lives of women and children in

the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.

Mr Pappas said, “She has worked tirelessly to promote educational initiatives

and to generate support for women’s rights and the education of women in

order to nurture them as leaders.

“Victoria University is proud to be honouring these two extraordinary women

as they exemplify the University’s mission to provide opportunities for people

of diverse backgrounds to further their education and make a difference

in the world. It will be a memorable week for all of us at VU.”





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