India condemns violence in GAZA at UN Human Rights Council


Gaza violence









India on July 24  voted in favour of a resolution  condemning  violence in Gaza  at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Urging for an “immediate ceasefire”, India called on Israel and Palestine to start a process of “peaceful dialogue”.

New Delhi’s position on Wednesday marked the continuity of the policy adopted by the Narendra Modi government, in tune with the previous governments.

The resolution which came down heavily on Israel ”” and was co-sponsored by Pakistan among other countries ”” was adopted by 29 votes in favour, 17 abstained and the US was the only country which voted against the resolution.

Along with India, countries that voted in favour were Pakistan, China, Maldives, Russia, South Africa and Brazil among others. UK, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, South Korea were among the 17 countries which abstained.

In its statement at the 21st special session of the Human Rights Council on the “Human Rights Situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem”, the Modi government said, “We are deeply concerned at the human rights situation”¦ as also at the violence by non-state actors in the region which have the effect of serving as avoidable obstacles to the peace process, as well as to the  realisation of the legitimate aspirations of both the peoples to co-exist in peace and security.”

The Indian statement also called upon all sides to exercise maximum restraint and avoid taking actions that may further exacerbate the situation, and threaten peace and security of the region.”

By now there have been 600 casualities which include many children since the current war broke out on July 8.

While all the mayhem goes on in the war torn Gaza region between Palestine and Israel, there is community outrage in the local NSW Muslim community with community leaders having decided to boycott an Iftar dinner organised by the NSW premier Mike Baird in protest demanding sacking of CRC chairman Vic Alhadeff after he sent an email backing Israel’s efforts to “defend its citizens” in its fight against “terrorists in Gaza”.

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