A new direction for NSW multicultural communities


Aug 21, 2014. Minister for Citizenship & Communities  Victor  Dominello  has today repudiated claims made by NSW Labor about the NSW Government’s plan for multicultural communities in NSW.

“It is sad that yet again NSW Labor is attempting to politicise multicultural affairs in NSW”, Mr  Dominello  said.

“Let’s get the facts right. The Ministerial Consultative Committees (MCCs), which were the focus of Labor’s baseless attacks, were successful forums that effectively brought forward issues of concern to government from our multicultural communities.

“Due to increasing demand the government needed to expand the function of the committees to facilitate this growth and ensure there are adequate resources for participants of the MCCs.

“The Community Relations (CRC) will incorporate the functions of the MCCs into its new community engagement strategy.

“This formalised community engagement strategy forms a key element of the NSW Government’s new Strategic Plan ”“  Harmony in Action  ”“ which was launched yesterday at the CRC’s Annual Symposium attended by multicultural leaders from NSW.

“This new community engagement strategy will for the first time formally engage across multicultural communities including with religious leaders, women and girls, the Consular Corps and sporting codes to promote social cohesion.

“I am proud that this plan sets a new direction for multicultural practice in NSW, and one that values cultural diversity as both a vital social and economic asset to this state. It will include a clear focus on the beliefs and values which unite us all as Australians and promotes the social and economic benefits of cultural diversity.

“This new  community engagement strategy will incorporate metropolitan consultative forums (MCFs) that will be conducted by the CRC and will be held for the first time in November this year in Campbelltown, Hornsby & Strathfield.

“These forums are open to bring issues of concern in all communities to government. I welcome and encourage everyone’s attendance at those forums.

“While NSW Labor concerns itself with politicking and negativity, the NSW Government”˜s strategic plan for multicultural communities will foster social inclusion and community harmony for all of NSW.

“Unlike Labor, we have a clear plan”, Mr  Dominello  said.

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