India is world’s largest beef exporter


indian buffalo








India is world’s largest beef exporter in volume terms with shipments totaling 156 million tonnes (shipped weight) valued at US $4.49 billion. Brazil is  second whereas Australia is number three exporter of beef.

According to Food & Agriculture Organization of UN India has 58 per cent of the world’s buffalo most of the herds are used for milking and when they reach unproductive age they are sold for meat production.

54 per cent of buffalo meat production is consumed domestically and rest 46 per is exported. Export of buffalo meat is called ”˜Carabeef’ which has been steadily growing from 1990 to 2010 and Indian buffalo meat has a competitive position in the world market being sold at US $2.88 a kilogram as compared to Australia’s  beef at US $4.73 whereas  Brazilian beef is sold at US $4.52 a kilogram.

India’s largest export market is Vietnam, second comes Thailand, Malaysia third and Saudi Arabia is fifth largest beef export market. Phillipines has been the largest beef market as the eighth country and India has been its largest supplier for the last 15 years.

In 2013 governments of India and China signed a memorandum of Understanding for direct trade in buffalo meat from India to China but official shipments have not yet commenced.


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