Support triples for domestic violence services aimed at men


Minister for Women Pru Goward today committed a further $90,000 in funding for the Men’s Behaviour Change Network. The advisory body was established by the NSW Government last year to represent and develop NSW practitioners of Men’s Behaviour Change Programs.

Ms Goward said today’s announcement reaffirms the Government’s commitment to break the cycle of domestic and family violence by holding perpetrators to account, coupled with prevention.

“Promoting changes to the behaviour and attitudes of perpetrators lies at the heart of this Government’s approach to addressing horrific acts of domestic and family violence,” Ms Goward said.

“In its first 12 months of operation, the Network has delivered excellent results working closely with agencies delivering prevention and early-intervention programs.

“These are critical initiatives working with men who use or are at-risk of using violence against their spouses and families in our communities.

“I’m looking forward to seeing how the Network continues to develop the men’s behaviour change sector and their members; BaptistCare Services, CatholicCare Sydney, Hastings Women and Children’s Refuge, Kempsey Family Support Service, Men and Family Centre and Relationships Australia.”

Chair of the Men’s Behaviour Change Network, Susan Geraghty said the announcement is fantastic news for the sector.

“The NSW Government’s significant commitment today will strengthen the programs that Men’s Behaviour Change Network members deliver to help men who use violence,” Ms Geraghty said.

“It’s vital that men take responsibility for their violence, but also that they have access to services to help them change their behaviour.”

Ms Goward said the network will continue to work in collaboration with the Men’s Referral Service, the NSW funded confidential telephone counselling, information and referral service for men who recognise their own violent behaviour and seek help to deal with it.

Men seeking help should call the Men’s Referral Service on 1300 766 491.


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