Sydney gets ready for Prime Minister Narendra Modi

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Indian Australian Community Foundation with the support of 150 Indian organisations predominantly from NSW is organising a free public gathering in honour of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 17 at Allphones Arena, Edwin Flack Ave, Sydney Olympic Park from 6pm onwards.  Indian Australian Community Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation promoting cooperation between Australia and India, and advancing the shared values of democracy, economic cooperation, and mutual respect. The cost of this event are to be covered by contributions from the general public, and the foundation is in the process of applying for tax-exemption status.

There is already a huge interest in the Sydney Indian community as everyone is eager to meet and greet PM Modi and listen to him. Organisers say the program will have a few cultural items and a speech by Mr Modi who will be on a flying visit to NSW as he takes time off from his heavy schedule when he visits G20 summit  that is being held from 15 and 16 November at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, South Bank.

Organisers of the event are seeking community interest and ask everyone to register online by visiting:

Lets make this event a memorable one with everyone’s whole hearted support.

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