The inaugural AIBC NSW Education Chapter Conference a big success!


This unique conference in Sydney brought together by the AIBC NSW Education Chapter, New South Wales University leaders with Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Directors and Deans from India to explore joint Research Partnerships and Exchanges. The AIBC NSW Education Chapter conceived and launched this momentous event, in collaboration with the IIT Alumni Association of Australia. Themed, “Education Partnership with India in the New Era”, it leveraged the new era of dynamism in Indian Government with expanding IITs and their drive to connect globally in research and joint programs.

Distinguished guests included Mr Sunjay Sudhir, Consul General India, Sydney; Dr Marlene Kanga, Chairman of the Board of Innovation Australia, Mr Dipen Rughani, National Chairman, Australia India Business Council, Mr Neville Roach AO and members of AIBC, IITAA and other Industry leaders.

Also, Professor Mary O’Kane, NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer; Professor Barney Glover, Vice Chancellor of the University of Western Sydney; Professor Jim Lee, Deputy Vice Chancellor (International) of Macquarie University, Professor Judy Raper, Deputy VC (Research) University of Wollongong; Professor Veena Sahajwalla; Professor Joseph Davis and other Pro VCs, Deans, Professors and Directors of NSW Universities.

Eminent representatives from the IIT’s of India included, Professor U.B.Desai, Director of IIT Hyderabad and Deans (Research) from IIT Kharagpur, Kanpur, Roorkee and Guwahati.

Besides keynotes, the conference held two expert panels which addressed:

– The role and power of IITs of India in cutting edge research and how Australian Universities could harness them in partnership

– Australian case studies and Best Practices on Research Partnerships

– Research collaborations between India & Australia including Corporations


– Exchange of Faculty and Students between IITs and NSW Universities.


A vibrant participation by the audience brought out a number of key initiatives by both sides.

Professor U.B. Desai, Director of IIT Hyderabad said, “This is a fantastic Conference that brought together all the top people from both sides. We exchanged key opportunities and had many 1:1 meetings to pursue specific action items. It gave us the opportunity for networking with fantastic Australian hospitality. I made a lot of connections on this visit and hope to fructify them in due course of time.”

Professor Mark Hoffman, Pro Vice Chancellor (research) from University of NSW said, “The initiative was an excellent one, and in my view, was very successful. It certainly helped to make UNSW more familiar with a number of the IIT’s and hopefully will lead to more reciprocal and collaborative agreements.”

Mr. Murali Dharan, Chair of the AIBC NSW Education Chapter reported, ”˜Besides the Conference, IIT directors were facilitated in number of 1:1 business meetings with NSW University leaders at Vice Chancellor/Deputy Vice Chancellor levels that brought exceptional results for both sides. We hope to include all the Australian Universities and all 16 IITs and 13 IIMs (Indian Institute of Management) of India in the future.”

Besides such facilitations, the AIBC NSW Education Chapter is also piloting a Mentoring program called JODI, whereby visiting Indian students and faculty are supported socially and professionally by the Indian Diaspora in NSW, thus creating a unique local support network during their exchange program stay in Australia.

In line with the AIBC Charter, the Education Chapter strives to promote and develop two-way exchange of people and business between India and Australia as a vital ingredient for success.

According to Mr Murali Dharan, the event has received very positive feedback with requests that such a conference be held annually.

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