Senator Lisa Singh receives Bhartiya Samman award

Lisa Singh and Mala Mehta

Senator Lisa Singh and Mala Mehta in Gandhinagar, Ahemdabad to recieve Pravasi Bhartiya Samman Award along with other NRIs from other parts of the world

January 9, 2014. Senator Lisa Singh, is in Gujarat in India at the invitation of the Indian Government to receive the prestigious Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award (Overseas Indians Award) which will be conferred on her by the President of India.

Senator Senator along with Mala Mehta received the award for their achievements in their respective fields of work.

The PBS Award is the highest honour given to people of Indian origin living overseas and the ceremonies take place as part of the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (Overseas Indians Day) recognising the achievements of the Indian diaspora around the world.

The Award was given to Senator Singh on the basis of exceptional and meritorious public service as a person of Indian heritage in fostering friendly relations between India and Australia.

Senator Singh is recognised as the first politician of Indian heritage, and of South Asian heritage more generally, to be elected to the Federal Parliament.

“The importance of engaging with our 450,000 Indian diaspora at the leadership level is critical for both the social and economic development of our two countries. They are an important part of our multicultural society and represent a powerful force for good.”

“As two nations,  finding solutions to problems together by drawing on the different experiences and approaches of each part of our society, is a critical part of our future successes.”

Senator Singh has also developed ties with India across a range of areas, including aid and development, women, the environment, renewable energy and workplace health and safety. She has engaged with Indian trade unions, members of parliament, academics, business and non-government organisations in advancing this dialogue.

Senator Singh has committed to developing and strengthening ties between the sub-continent and Australia through her role as an Australian Senator. She participated in the Lowy Institute’s Australia-India Roundtable in 2012 and 2014 and worked with Dr Andrew Leigh MP to facilitate Federal parliamentary Labor party engagement on the Australia in the Asian Century White Paper.

She has also recently visited India with the Shadow Deputy Opposition Leader and Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, Tanya Plibersek meeting with politicians and government officials to facilitate greater understanding between the two countries.

Senator Singh will participate in a series of sessions and dialogues in Gandhinagar, India from 7 to 9 January organised by the Indian Government to develop relationships between India and the world, and greater connections within and between the Indian diaspora in Australia.


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