Sub-Continent Friends of Labor Launches its Election Campaign

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Sub-Continent Friends of Labor (SCFOL) formally launched the NSW State Election campaign over a sumptuous dinner with Hon Luke Foley, Leader of the NSW ALP and Leader of the NSW Opposition and approximately 200 guests , State and Federal Parliamentarian Mayors and Councilors.

If elections are run one should see how the Indians run it with sounds of dhol, bhangra and the rest. SCFOL not only had Opposition leader Luke Foley and other candidates pitching their  campaign it also created an  atmosphere in an exciting dinner which charged the Indian community to participate wholeheartedly in the upcoming state elections to be held on March 28.

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Julie Owens Federal member for Parramatta trying the bhangra  

A number of Union Secretaries attended the SCFOL event including Mark Lennon President of Union NSW, Alex Classen Secretary RBTU, Graham Kelly Secretary, Australian Workers Union and Russ Collison.

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The Hon Luke Foley, Leader of opposition NSW applauded the role of Sub Continental communities and emphasized the importance of the ethnic groups in multicultural Australia. He stressed upon standing for the Labor values, stronger growth and opportunities as well as fair and stronger multicultural Australia.

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The Hon Michelle Rowland, MP Greenway represented The Hon Bill Shorten, Federal Leader of Opposition. Hon Ed Husic, Federal member for Chiefly, Hon Julie Owens Federal member for Parramatta, Hon Laurie Ferguson Federal Member for Wareva and Tasmanian Senator Lisa Singh were the dignitaries.

State Shadow Treasurer Hon Michael Dailey, State Shadow Minister for Citizenship Hon Guy Zangari, Hon Sophie Cotsis MLC, Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC and Hon Ernest Wong MLC.

Kaila Munain Assistant Secretary NSW ALP appreciates continues support of Ethnic Media to Labor Party and SCFOL for coordinating such an event every year in the last 5 years.

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Senator Lisa Singh

Mr Mark Lennon President of the Labor Party NSW and , President of Unions NSW highlighted the major issues related to sale of state assets, effect of job cuts on nurses and teachers as well as the rising cost of living on the families in NSW.

Russ Collison in his address stressed upon Liberal Government not sells reserves of our natural gas. It will enhance the price for the Australian consumers he added. He then asks the guest to sign a petition.

General Secretary SCFOL Mr Amarinder Bajwa formaly open the event and invited the President Dr Moninder Singh. Dr Singh highlighted the achievements of the group. He said that SCOFL played very effective roll to force Liberal Governt to rollback amendments in Sec 18 and amendments in Parent Vis.

SCFOL launched a Women’s Wing to engage subcontinent females and contribute in the mainstream politics. This group will work closely with the steering committee of the SCFOL. Mrs Aruna Chandrala was nominated as the head of this newly formed women group. Mrs Chandrala then introduced her team.

Ejaz Khan Vice President of the SCFOL introduced dignitaries and candidates including Mr Susai Benjamin and Ms Charishma Kaliyanda, both candidats are from us he said and we are proud of their selection. Among other candidates   Jodi Mckay for Strathfield, Hugh McDermott for Prospect, Julia Finn for Granville, James Shaw for Parramatta, Emma Husar for Penrith, Todd Carney for Mulgoa, Anoulack  for Maquarie Fields, Edmond Attala for Mt Druitt, Pure Carr, Jihad Dib, Ian Morison and Matt Ritchie. Clr Stephen Bali Mayor of Blacktown, Clr Khal Asfour former Mayor of Bankstown, Clr Charlie Lowels, Karl Saleh from Canterbury Council attended and supported the event.

President thanked Balraj Sangha for his tireless efforts to ensure all guest are served well. President also thanked Balaji, Bhupinder, Pervez Khan, Kenrick Chea and Prabhjot Sandhu to ensure interaction between media and the Labor Parliamentarians.

Senior member of the SCFOL Mr Raj Datta Councilor Strathfield City Council introduced the ethnic Media personalities that attended the dinner including Mr Pawan Luthra, Zafar Shah, Raj Narajan, MP Singh, Parkash Chandra, Anuj Kulshrestha, Mahendra Lamsal, Abdullah Yousaf, Munir Mohammad, Gurwinder Kahlon, Rajit Khera, Faten El Dana  OAM, Arti Banga and John Niven. He emphasized on the importance of the ethnic media and thanked from their strong support.

Mr. Jay Hosur delivered vote of thanks.

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