First Gastro-Intestinal Cancer Forum in Sydney


The GI Cancer Institute is organising its first national GI Cancer Awareness Week from 27th  April ”“ 3rd   May 2015. During this week of GI cancer awareness, education and fundraising, we will be hosting our second Engage Community Forum in Sydney on the 30th  of April at the Epping Club, from 6.30pm – 9.00pm .

The Engage Community forum is a free Gastro-Intestinal cancer forum, funded by Cancer Australia.

Successful Engage Community Forums held in Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney in 2013, Brisbane, Western Sydney, Canberra and Perth in 2014, and Bundaberg in 2015, have educated more than 480 people in different communities.

As a fellow community/health supporter, I am asking for your help to raise awareness about this valuable community forum which will educate locals about Gastro-Intestinal (GI) cancer- the most common form of cancer in Australia, killing 33 Australians every day.

Engage will offer: Easy-to-understand information about GI cancer prevention; Advice and information from clinicians and survivors who understand the challenges of GI     cancer; Information about the latest development in cutting edge research; Information about the benefits of clinical trials and how to access them and a chance to learn about support resources at the info expo after the presentation

Despite the fact that 1 in 10 people are diagnosed with GI cancer in Australia, there are very few occasions when those affected can come together and share their experiences and stories of hope in a non-clinical setting.

Survivors, patients and carers or anyone interested in learning about GI cancers can register to attend the free event at  or by calling1300 666 769.

The program is as follows:

Learn more about GI Cancer

Being diagnosed with cancer can inevitably lead to many questions. Survivors, patients and carers dealing with the challenges of gastro-intestinal cancer are invited to hear from leading health professionals about the latest advancements in research and treatments. Organised by the GI Cancer Institute, the Engage Community Forum is a free event that provides an opportunity for those impacted by gastro-intestinal cancer to discuss quality of life issues and cancer survivorship with experts in the field.

When: Thursday 30th April, 6.30pm-9.00pm at Epping Club, 45-47 Rawson Street, Epping NSW.

Register to attend the Engage Forum at or call 1300 666 769.

Learn more about GI Cancer

Survivors, patients and carers dealing with the challenges of gastro-intestinal cancer are invited to hear from leading health professionals about the latest advancements in research and treatments. Organised by the GI Cancer Institute, the Engage Community Forum is an opportunity to share your journey with like-minded people and discuss quality of life issues and surviving GI cancer with experts in the field.

When: Thursday 30th April, 6.30pm-9.00pm at Epping Club, 45-47 Rawson Street, Epping NSW.

Register to attend the Engage Forum at or call 1300 666 769.

Learn more about GI Cancer

Survivors, patients and carers dealing with the challenges of gastro-intestinal cancer can hear about the latest advancements in research and treatments from leading health professionals, as well as discuss quality of life issues and surviving GI cancer with like-minded people and experts in the field.

When: Thursday 30th April, 6.30pm-9.00pm at Epping Club, 45-47 Rawson Street, Epping NSW.

Register to attend the Engage Forum at or call 1300 666 769.

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