India the main source of migration to Australia

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More than 207,900 migrants settled permanently in Australia in 2013”“14.

Australia’s Migration Trends 2013”“14  report released today shows that India remained the main source country for migrants with almost 40,000 Indian nationals migrating to Australia in 2013”“14.

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In the same year almost 30,000 people born in India chose to become Australian citizens.

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The Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Peter Dutton said the report  contains a wealth of information about the current trends in migration.

“The report provides a rich and valuable source of information on how immigration is shaping our nation,” Mr Dutton said.

Australia granted 290,000 student visas in 2013-14 ”“ the highest number since the Global Financial Crises.

“This is proof Australia’s Student Visa Programme continues to remain strong and appealing to the overseas market and keeps its place as one of Australia’s major export earners,” Mr Dutton said.

The report provides insights on global economic  trends. Tourist numbers from China increased by almost a quarter in 2013”“14 reflecting its large and growing middle class

In 2013”“14, the permanent Migration Programme delivered almost 128,600 places under the Skill stream and just over 61,000 places through the Family stream.


“Permanent migration remains a pillar of Australia’s migration programmes providing social and economic benefits through its skilled worker and family reunion programmes, ” Mr Dutton said.


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