Bishan, Pras and Me

Kersi - Bedi-Prasanna-Chandrasekhar-and-Venkataraghavan






Venkatraghavan, Bedi, Prasanna and Chandrashekhar


TIDU sport writer famous Kersi Meher-Homji remembers another interesting episode:

“I was watching the Indian cricket team doing net practice at the SCG a day before their match against NSW in November 1977. To my surprise Bishan Bedi (who I had befriended in 1971”“72 during the World XI tour) threw the ball to me saying: ”˜Bowl, Kersi.’

Kersi - Bedi

”˜What me, bowling to Test cricketers?’ I asked in shock. ”˜Yes, bowl Kersi’ he repeated, a man of few words. Bowling my slow slow off-spinners and half volleys to Ashok Mankad and left-handed Surinder Amarnath was an experience I’ll never forget. To bowl alongside spin wizards Bishan and Prasanna was an additional thrill. Awesome!

Feeling 10 feet tall after my seven minutes of ”˜glory’ I got bold to ask Prasanna as to how I had bowled. Prasanna did not know what to say – to be honest and say ”˜awfully’ or politely say ”˜not badly’. He became diplomatic and said: ”˜Stick to your writing!’





Kersi- Pras







I had my revenge two months later. After the net practice session Prasanna had given me his autobiography  One More Over  to read. When he asked me, prior to the Sydney Test in January 1978, how I liked his book, I replied: ”˜Pras, stick to your off-spin.’

He was not amused.


( Kersi Meher-Homji’s new book currently under publication: ”˜From Bradman to Kohli’)

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