India Club celebrates teej


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India Club celebrated Teej Festival and Independence Day with great gusto and acknowledged the ’70th  Anniversary of End of World War 2’.

Anita Malhotra jubilantly did an impressive job in organising lively IC party to celebrate the delightful event.

Colourful and lively dances ”“ beautiful performances, touching patriotic songs, yummy food cooked by members and friends with plenty of nice entrees kept coming to keep everyone busy. Shyam Malhotra was one quiet volunteer and of course his lively dance. Brought the house down Nikita performed her MC role charmingly. Ladies had their hands designed with henna.

Dietitian Priya Iyer enchantingly talked on  ”˜Well and Growing Well’ with her lively and interactive talk. She generated lot of interest about healthy food and oils.

Puneet Grover helped organise the hall, sound system and even was an active kitchen helper.

Every IC event concludes with members and friends dancing together on Bollywood songs and even got Mr. Damien Tuedhope MP ”“ Member for Epping dancing. Mr. Tuedhope delighted the members with his dancing skills.

It was an entertaining and a joyful evening for all

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