Pallavi Sinha in IQ Debate – ‘Racism is destroying Australia’

NSW Premier and Pallavi Sinha









City Recital Hall Angel Place
2 Angel Place
Sydney Australia

Tuesday, 27 October 2015
6:30 – 8:30

Sydney Indian community’s own daughter and unique combination of beauty & brain, human rights and immigration lawyer, Pallavi Sinha, joins celebrities Sky News’ Stan Grant, Australian/Herald Sun Columnist Rita Panahi along with Australian actor legend Jack Thompson, for ABC’s/BBC’s IQ Series Debate, ”˜Racism is Destroying the Australian Dream’. Pallavi is the only Indian-Australian on the panel and this is the first time an Indian-Australian woman has been invited to join the debate.

Pallavi is a second-generation Indian Australian and lawyer by profession. Much of her work is in immigration and family law. She is also an Adjunct lecturer at the College of Law and has written opinion pieces that have been published in SMH and SBS. Pallavi also has an artistic side. She is a classical Indian dancer and appears in the new film UnIndian, which stars Brett Lee. She is the Women’s Chair of the Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia and serves on the Multicultural Consultation Council of the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board. Many in the Sydney Indian community know of Pallavi’s successes and achievements over the years, including her appearance on the ABC’s Q&A panel with Tony Jones along with Federal then Education Minister, Hon. Christopher Pyne MP.

The Debate, ”˜Racism is Destroying the Australian Dream’, sets the scene, Australia is both a young nation built on immigration and a country boasting of the oldest living culture in the world, the aborigine culture. Walk down the city street and one can see signs of a richly diverse, cohesive and multicultural country ”“ people from all over the world living here in harmony.

The Australian dream is magnetic, attracting vastly more people than ever move away. More than a quarter of the population is born overseas and almost half of us have a parent born abroad. Australian Bureau of Statistics data suggest one international migration every two minutes to this wonderful place.

Who wouldn’t want to live the Australian dream? Everyone is entitled to the same basic levels of safety, protection and opportunity, regardless of their race or religion. Indeed Australian laws protect everybody from racial discrimination, ensuring we all get a ”˜fair go’ in life.

But our history and recent events suggest the dream is far from the reality. The Stolen Generations were subjected to atrocities that only ended in the 1970s and continue to manifest today. Tensions between Anglo and Lebanese Australians infamously reached crisis point in the 2005 Cronulla Riots. Then Australia made headlines across India for a spate of “racist”, violent attacks against students in Melbourne. And only recently, we’ve seen an onslaught of racist attitudes seep into sport, that supposedly merit-based and quintessentially Australian pastime.

So are we really the multicultural safe haven of equal opportunity? Or is racism destroying the Australian dream?

The debate will explore whether Australia is really the multicultural safe haven of equal opportunity?   Or is racism destroying the Australian dream? Pallavi shares with us “I am passionate about Australian values and diversity”.

“I share concerns that Australian values are truly implemented in Australian society ”“ especially giving everyone a ”˜fair go’.

To watch Pallavi participate in the live debate, do come in and watch panel discuss this important debate. Tickets are available at

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