State’s youngest speller is 10 year-old North Sydney Public School’s Sri Vaishnavi Kolluri

Sri Vaishnavi Kolluri

Correctly spelling an 11-letter word ”” ”˜clairvoyant’ ”” won 10-year-old North Sydney Public School student Sri Vaishnavi Kolluri the title of NSW’ s best speller. The aspiring year 4 student and a gymnast said she had practised lots of words with her mother.

“Mum’s a big help, my memory is good and I knew all my winning words,” Sri Vaishnavi said.

Premier Mike Baird said he was testing his spelling from the comfort of the audience. He was accompanied Adrian Piccoli, Education Minister.

There was another young  student Anneesh Chakravarthula who missed an ”˜e’ in the word Mangosteen and was out   mid-way. Anneesh was half the height of microphone through which he had to spell the words he was given as he competed with others for Premier Baird’s final spelling championship contest.

The final spelling bee competition was between 86 students down from 135,000 students of the public school students,  as they gathered at Eugene Grossens Hall in Sydney to compete. Parents of these exceptional children watched them with eager yet nervous eyes as children spelled some very difficult words such as ”“ eloquent, amplitude, malevolent, deficient and sedentary, sorry sedentary.

Well done Sri Viashnavi, you make our community proud..

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