ABC Television’s Compass looking for Indian fathers, daughters, mothers and sons for their new series

Following the success of ABC Television’s Compass series  For Better For Worse  last year, social commentator Jane Caro will be back in 2016 to present a new series,  Fathers & Daughters, Mothers & Sons.

We are looking for Hindu fathers and daughters, mothers and sons who would like to share their experiences with Jane Caro and the Compass audience.

We want to know about these relationships. How does parenting a child of the opposite gender affect the way you see the world? How would you describe your fathering or mothering?

We’d like to hear from you – the parent or the offspring.  Please note we’re looking for participants 18 years and over.

Please send an email to  and let us know a bit about yourselves.

Points for parents to consider
What was your reaction when you discovered the gender of your child?
How would you describe your daughter/son?
What have been the key turning points in your relationship with your daughter/son?
Have there been any bumps along the way?
How would you describe your relationship today?

Points for offspring to consider
What was your earliest memory of your mother/father?
How would you describe your mother/father?
What have been the key turning points in your relationship with parent?
Have there been any bumps along the way?
How would you describe your relationship today?

Do you have family photos or home movies to illustrate your time together? We look forward to hearing from you.

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