Applying For Visa via Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)

skilled visa

Applying for Skilled Independent  Visa (subclass 189) from India is a permanent visa. This lets the migrant settle and work permanently in Australia. for applying for this visa the applicant  is required to submit his/her expression of interest. Subbclass 189 is a fast-track program and people in India can easily apply for this…here read a news item from Migration Alliance – Immigration website:

“Australia welcomes skilled professionals from all over the world to come and work in the country, and is the dream destination of thousands of people. The Skilled Independent Visa allows people to migrate to Australia to get employment.

In this post, we are going to discuss what you need to do to migrate to Australia through the Skilled Independent Visa route (subclass 189).

The Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189)

This is a point based work visa recommended for people who are skilled professionals but have not been sponsored by their employers, the state or a member of their family living in Australia. Once you are granted this visa, you will be able enjoy the benefits of permanent residency in Australia, live and work anywhere in the country and include family members in your application. This permanent visa gives the applicant complete work rights.

What you need to do to apply for the Skilled Independent Visa

To apply for the skilled independent visa, you need to check if your occupation is listed in the skilled occupation list. If it is, then you need to do the following to be invited to submit an application:

  • Have your qualifications assessed by SkillSelect
  • Submit an expression of interest through SkillSelect
  • You need a minimum of 60 points in the points test. You will be awarded points on the basis of your age, skills and qualifications, work experience, language skills, and partner skills.
  • Give basic English language tests and score enough to meet the requirements

Moreover, the age of the applicant should be between 18 and 50 years to be eligible to apply for the visa and you can apply for it regardless of whether you are in Australia or abroad.   Once you receive your invitation, you will have to submit your application online within 60 days. The details of what you need to include in your application and the process you need to follow will be explained in your invitation letter.

The Benefits

One of the main features of this permanent work visa is that you get to include eligible family members in your visa application. This is because the Australian government understands that living with family increases the contentment and therefore, the productivity of skilled workers.

The following family members can be included in your visa application:

  • Your partner
  • You or your partner’s children
  • You or your partner’s dependent parents or relatives

Apart from living and working in Australia for an indefinite time period, the skilled independent visa gives you the following perks:

  • Enrol on Medicare
  • Study in Australia’s schools, colleges and universities
  • Social Security
  • Sponsor family members for permanent residency

After you have fulfilled your residency criteria, permanent residents are also able to apply for Australian citizenship so they can enjoy all the rights granted by the country to its citizens.”

(This article courtesy Migration Alliance)

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