You can reverse ageing with Deepak Chopra’s mantra on genes

neeru - deepak









By Neeru Saluja

If you want a happier and healthier life, what would you change first? Will it be your lifestyle, your diet, health or your daily routine?

According to Deepak Chopra, the world’s renowned pioneer in alternative medicine and personal transformation, it’s our genes. Combining cutting edge science with ancient traditions, they reveal how key changes in lifestyle can help us lead happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives.

In an exclusive interview with the Indian Down Under, international best selling author and spiritual guru Deepak Chopra takes us on an exciting journey where he talks about his path of medicine, mantra for reverse ageing and his belief in genes.

80 books, 21 best sellers – what’s the secret behind your success of writing. How would you describe your latest book Super Genes?

For many years,  medical science has believed that  your  genes determined  your  biological destiny. Now the new genetics has changed that assumption forever. You will always have the genes you were born with, but genes are dynamic, responding to everything we think, say, and do.  You  can  make lifestyle choices that optimize how your genes behave, you can reach for a  state of health and fulfilment – what I call Radical Wellness.

How would you describe your transformation from medicine to alternative medicine?  

There is no transformation,  my work encompasses both scientific and alternative medicine. I regularly  present a combination of  scientific,  medical  and spiritual and  alternative philosophies.

With chronic disease and stressful lifestyles on the rise,  how  do you see the future of medicine vs alternative medicine?

I believe they will integrate.  It’s important to accept that your body is a process not a structure, a process in consciousness. Your body is not physical,  it’s an energy and an information field.  It’s also important to note that  only five per cent  of disease related mutations are fully penetrant. The remainders are affected by the way you feel, the way you think and mostly your attitude.

What’s your mantra for reverse ageing?

Every day  in every way I’m increasing my physical and mental capacity.

In the midst of movement and chaos, keep the stillness within – quoting you, how would you like people to implement this?  

What’s required is a fundamental change in each one of us through lifestyle changes. We must respect the wisdom of the body and ensure that evolution is mindful.

What advice can you give to your readers to live a healthier lifestyle?

A diet that reduces and ultimately gets rid of inflammation, a measurable reduction in stress, an exercise program that turns good intentions into action,  better sleep, balancing emotions for deeper fulfilment and of course the centrepiece of our wellbeing can be achieved through meditation.

Deepak Chopra will be in  Melbourne July 23-24 to present a  weekend workshop, The Neuroscience of Enlightenment  ”“  Super Genes.  Visit  for details.

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