An ATAR of 99.95 places Rohan in the top 30 students in NSW HSC

Rohan Krishnaswamy small chemistryRohan with Education Minister Adrian Piccoli

By Neena Badhwar

Rohan Krishnaswamy is on cloud nine being one of the top thirty students from over 65,000 who attempted HSC 2016 in NSW. He has scored an ATAR rank of 99.95, says he, “This is it. This is the top most score and I was pleasantly surprised by my results.”

There is no ATAR of a 100 because a rank of 100 means you have beaten 100 per cent of your cohort, including yourself. This James Ruse  Agriculture High school student says though everything is good about the school, “There’s only one thing bad which is its stressful environment due to too much competition amongst its students.”

Obviously it has affected as well as not affected Rohan who has managed to score high bands sixes in all his subjects such as Extension 2 Maths, Advanced English, Physics and Chemistry. It has been three exciting and anxious days for him he says when he was contacted by the Board of Education informing him that he had topped in Chemistry. He says chemistry was his favourite subject, its content interesting and thoroughly enjoyable. His favourite teachers were Mrs Briggs and Ms Ward who were very helpful. Also his friends who came in handy in sharing notes and with helpful hints. Rohan says family was always there and helped in every way to take his mind off. He says his older sister is studying a double medical degree in Melbourne who also helped him while his younger sister who is only in year 1 was a relief to be with when he played with her. “She was also quite excited about my results,” says Rohan.

Rohan found HSC quite stressful and says he relied on a lot of extracurricular activities such as music. He played guitar all the way through his HSC and also joined an amateur band towards the end of his HSC. Also he did long distance running once or twice a week to combat stress.

What he found what was helpful was doing a bit of work every day and never ever procrastinating. Though he remembers he stuffed up his first chemistry exam at the beginning of year 12 and his performance was well under average. “It was devastating,” he says, “but there is no point in crying over spilt milk. The idea is to look to the future.”

And obviously today Rohan has done not only his family and school proud he is placed in the top 30 students in the state. And he is very happy with his achievements.

Rohan has decided to do medicine and would like to be employed, once he has finished his studies, in rural areas which he says have a shortage of doctors and need them desperately.

TIDU wishes Rohan Krishnaswamy the best in his future and the ideal he has set himself to work towards.

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