Foundation skills programs put students on path to success


This December thousands of migrants and students will celebrate their graduation from two long standing English language, literacy, numeracy and workplace skills programs.

Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills Karen Andrews on December 6, 2016 congratulated students at a TAFE Queensland graduation ceremony for the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) and the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program.

“The Australian Government’s SEE program helps job seekers-including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, young people, and people with a disability find work by overcoming language, literacy and numeracy barriers,” Minister Andrews said.

“The AMEP is our largest English language program, helping migrants improve their language skills and gain the confidence they need to participate meaningfully in Australian society.

“Today and throughout December, we are celebrating their achievements which will put them on a pathway to further study and employment. I wish them all the best in their future endeavours.” Minister Andrews said the opportunity to improve foundation skills can have a profound effect on the way people view themselves and engage with their local community.

“These programs help people gain the essential skills required to settle in, find jobs and look after their families while contributing to the broader Australian community,”

Minister Andrews said. “The Turnbull Government provides more than $420 million annually for both programs. We are reforming both programs so they will further strengthen pathways into additional studies and employment and achieve better outcomes for students from 1 July 2017.”

Graduation ceremonies will be held around the country throughout December celebrating the achievement of thousands of SEE and AMEP students.

For further information on AMEP visit

For further information on SEE visit

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