Yash Arora is one of the finalists in BHP Billiton Science and Engineering Awards 2016

Yash Arora

Yash Arora did a study of the deterioration of drinking water quality in the Gold Coast region

Interested in a report on the degradation of water quality in Tasmania’s supply, Yash turned his attention to water quality closer to home. He investigated two water treatment plants and conducted six trials of 14 different places for indicators including pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and concentration of iron. His results showed minor deterioration in some parameters, but the overall quality of the water was fit for human consumption. Yash’s data can help the Gold Coast City Council in planning a system of regular sampling and identifying locations for improving their water distribution system.

Yash says science excites him and the endless possibilities it offers, “While we can solve one problem from an answer which may then lead to 10 more problems.”

“If I was the smartest person on this earth I would love to be in the research of cancer and find the answer to its mystery and why it affects so many people.”

Yash wants to become a doctor and as a doctor he can use his passion to help people in society.

He says he loves origami, “I really love paper and the way it just effortlessly moulds and fits into any shape.”

“My main focus would be genetics and the way we manipulate our genes and DNA. It is so fascinating that diseases can be cured before they even begin.”

“We are always discovering new things. There is no right answer. Some time ago we knew that earth was flat and now see how far we have come.”

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