Campaign by multicultural community to reduce violence against women and children

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Did you know:

Violence against women and their children is a serious issue, destroying families and damaging the community. On average:

  • 1 woman is killed every week at the hands of a current or former partner.
  • 1 in 3 women has been a victim of physical or sexual violence, since the age of 15, from someone they know.
  • 1 in 4 young people are prepared to excuse violence from a partner.

Multicultural media and community representatives came together at the SBS national office in Sydney today to hear more about the confronting Stop it at the Start campaign to reduce violence against women and their children.

The campaign targets the disrespectful attitudes and behaviours that adults might dismiss or ignore in young people, often without realising it.

A key part of the campaign is educating ”˜influencers’ within the community ”“ such as parents, family members, teachers, sports coaches, community leaders and employers ”“ to reflect on their own beliefs and behaviours, then have conversations with young people.

These individuals play a crucial role in supporting the campaign and getting the message out to the community.

Lawyer, advocate and campaign supporter Pallavi Sinha had this message for the community:

“In my role, I’m passionate about providing information and services that get positive outcomes for everyone, and this campaign does just that,” she said

“Sometimes I’ve ignored disrespectful comments, thinking ”˜that’s just how kids talk’. But this language is never ok, it’s just an excuse.

“We need to stop ignoring disrespectful behaviour or making excuses for it – because when we do, we let it grow. We need to take action now.”

A range of in-language and adapted resources for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities can be found on the campaign website.

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