Organise a Pink Stumps Day and fundraise for McGrath Foundation’s breast care nurse

With summer just around the corner the McGrath Foundation is calling on Australia to ”˜step up to the crease’ by registering to host a Pink Stumps Day cricket match.

Pink Stumps Day, endorsed by Cricket Australia, lets cricket clubs, community groups, businesses, schools and mates bring the magic of the Pink Test to their community by turning a cricket match pink and fundraising for the McGrath Foundation.

Around 17,000 women and 150 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year and the money raised through the campaign will fund McGrath Breast Care Nurses who make life for families with breast cancer that little bit easier.

McGrath Foundation Ambassador and Director, Tracy Bevan, is urging everyone to go into bat for the McGrath Foundation.

“Pink Stumps Day is a great way to have some fun with your mates while raising money to help fund McGrath Breast Care Nurses.”

“While we’re extremely proud to have placed 118 McGrath Breast Care Nurses in communities across Australia there’s still lots more to do. Right now, 79 more breast care nurses are needed to ensure every person going through breast cancer has access to this important service.”

Every person who registers a Pink Stump Day can choose to receive an amazing Pink Stumps Day cricket kit featuring everything needed to turn your game pink including a bandana and pink zinc in addition to Pink Stumps, a bat, ball, bails, pink tape and a collection box.

Registrations for Pink Stumps Day are now open at While the official Pink Stumps Day is on Saturday 17 February 2018, participants are welcome to host their event anytime up to April 2018.

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