Do visit the New Gokula Farm on Easter weekend

The New Gokula Farm in Cessnock is gearing up for the huge number of guests expected through the Easter period. It will be hosting His Holiness Janananda Goswami on Saturday, 31st March. Maharaj will give Srimad Bhagavatam class at 8am and a short talk at 1pm. On 5th April again at 8am, His Holiness Ramai Swami will give Srimad Bhagavatam class.

Do RSVP to with numbers attending on both dates. This is essential for breakfast/ lunch prasadam purposes.

Drought Update:   Some occasional showers of rain have brightened the browned summer lands but as yet, drought conditions have not abated in the Hunter region with scanty rains that have not helped much the dried reservoirs. Devotees remain dependent on the Lords’ arrangements. Meanwhile Harinam at the farm is regularly being organised.

On a proactive tactic, New Gokula has invested in pasture upgrading. With some autumn rain, this will offer a substantial amount of winter and spring pasture, some of which will re-seed for subsequent seasons. The neighbouring farmer was available to contract his equipment to help cultivate and sow 17 acres of a variety of winter grasses for the herd of cows including rye grasses, oats and clover varieties. Ananta Sesha dasa and his son, Laxman led Harinam at New Gokula in the process involved ploughing the land, sod seeding into the prepared land, harrowing to cover the seeds, and finally using a roller to complete the process. Fund raising campaign was warmly received and through supporters’ generosity, a sum of $16,500 has been collected so far. The New Gokula Farm adminstration thanks all the donors without their ongoing generosity, New Gokula’s flagship project of cowherd protection will surely suffer.

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