Deepawali Celebration in Parliament House, Canberra on 3rd December 2018

Hindu Council of Australia, in association with the Hon Coleman MP, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs and Senator the Hon Zed Seselja Assistant Minister for Treasury and Finance, will celebrate Deepawali festival and Annakut in the Great Hall of the Federal Parliament House in Canberra on Monday December 3, 2018.

Diwali is truly an Indian festival and a social affair an occasion to reconnect the local Indian community full of fun, food and entertainment. Diwali is becoming a universal festival. Every state and territory rejoices this festival of Lights Diwali. The Indian Down Under spoke to the member of Hindu Council of Australia Association of Canberra Mr.Santosh Gupta about the upcoming Diwali celebrations in Canberra in December; Santosh Gupta said “It’s a proud moment for people of Indian origin as Diwali celebration at the Australian Parliament House in Canberra that allows members of Indian community to come together to celebrate something so special and different”.

The details of the program this year are as follows:

Date: 3 December 2018 Monday, Time: 12 pm to 2.30 pm:

Lunch & Inauguration of the Exhibition only-All the MPs including the Australian PM & the Leader of the Opposition have been invited and are expected to attend.

Time 6pm to 8.30 pm:

Formal Deepawali celebration including cultural performances by the local & interstate performers, and speeches by guests and Political Leaders (Snacks pack & Souvenir bag will be provided to each attendee)

The charges per person are: Inauguration & Lunch only ( $75), Evening Program only ($50) Or both ($100) Children’s ticket for evening program is $15 (10 and under).

There are 500 seats for Evening program. Out of that only 300 seats allocated to Canberra. Rest 200 are for interstates as well as Diplomats, MPs, Mutifaith leaders etc. Buy your tickets to avoid disappointment.

Contact any one of the followings for any queries or tickets.

Santosh Gupta 0468 901 860


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