Make your vote count
Every vote matters

For the Lower House (Legislative Assembly)
You will be given two ballot papers: a small one for the Legislative Assembly (lower house) and a large one for the Legislative Council (upper house).
To vote for the lower house, you must put a number 1 in the square next to the candidate you want to elect. You can vote for more than one by putting a number 2 next to your second choice, a number 3 next to your third choice and so on. The number of additional choices you add is up to you.
You have in the Indian community, Charishma Kaliayanda standing from eh seat of Holsworthy and Durga Owen from the seat of Seven Hills
Voting for the Upper House is a little more complicated.
The Legislative Council ballot paper has a thick line running across it. Political parties are written above the line, while candidates are listed individually in columns below the line.
If you want to vote for a political party rather than for individual candidates, number above the line. By doing this, you are voting for that whole group of candidates in the order listed below. You can add 2 and 3 and so on to the other political parties listed above the line.
If you want to vote for individual candidates, number at least 1 to 15 below the line.
For the Upper House you have Pallavi Sinha for Liberals and Aruna Chandrala for Labor.
Make Sure to vote properly so that your vote is not wasted.
Warning: Don’t vote above and below the line on the upper house ballot paper. Your vote won’t count.
Pic by Suhani Jones
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