Australian Defence Force invites Indians in Australia for a VIP experience
Opportunity to secure once-in-a-lifetime ADFA experience
ADFA Open-Day competition 2019 commences

Ever wanted to get an up-close and personal look into where the Australian Defence Force develops its future leaders? That’s what the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) is offering three lucky winners with the ADFA VIP Experience.
For the fifth year in a row, the ADFA VIP Experience competition is open to 16 to 22 year olds nation-wide. The annual event gives prospective recruits the chance to experience a range of unique military activities.
Competition entrants will be asked to complete a short quiz to determine their leadership style and explain in 50 words or less, why they would be a great future leader.
The three winners of the competition will receive two nights stay in a four-star hotel, return flights to Canberra from their hometown, a merchandise pack and a VIP ADFA Experience. Seven runners up will also receive an ADFA merchandise pack.
ADFA Commandant, Commodore (CDRE) Peter Leavy said the ADFA Open Day is the perfect opportunity to learn everything they want to know about life, study and military training at ADFA.
“For many, the ADFA Open Day is the first step towards commencing a challenging and exciting career straight out of high school,” CDRE Leavy said.
“Through military training, exercises and experiences, young Australians learn how to motivate teams, think through problems, and teach and motivate others,” he said.
Air Force Officer Cadet, Heidi Collins says she wouldn’t be where she is today if she had not entered and won the 2018 competition.
Heidi travelled from South Australia to take part in the 2018 ADFA VIP Experience. With no family members serving in the Australian Defence Force it was an opportunity for her to explore what military life could be like.
“It was exactly what I needed to get a realistic impression of where I hoped to spend the next three years,” she said.
“What really made the VIP experience invaluable was the personal insights into ADFA from the accompanying Trainee Officers you spend the day with.”
ADFA Open Day attendees will have the opportunity to browse military exhibits, watch aerial displays featuring military aircraft, experience a helicopter simulation, witness an Army section assault, and receive invaluable course information and career advice from ADF personnel and UNSW Canberra staff.
The 2019 ADFA Open Day will be held on Saturday 24 August. Entries for the ADFA VIP Experience competition opened on 18 July 2019 and closes on 31 July 2019.
For further information about the ultimate ADFA Open Day competition: or ADFA Open Day VIP Experience Facebook.
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