Key into Sydney – a new organisation to help migrant women settle in Sydney

A new non-for-profit support group for migrant women from Maroubra and adjoining suburbs called ‘Key into Sydney’ has been formed to help migrant women settle in Australia.
Says Co-Founder, Maia Saxena, “Settling in Australia can be very challenging for women. They have to cope with culture shock, find their way around in everyday life and rebuild their social network. We believe they need adequate support during this crucial period to settle well and feel good in their new life, and that’s what we offer.”
She wants local media to support the young organisation aimed at migrant women to keep in touch with their country of origin, with their roots and get connected to their local community.
Saxena adds, “Our non-profit organization, called Key Into Sydney, runs a support group for women who have moved here from overseas and are not feeling at home yet. Our goal is to help them settle in Sydney.”
“We provide tea, coffee, snack and moderate the discussion around various topics related to settlement. We also invite guest speakers from the community to talk about possibilities of local engagement, such as volunteering or civic engagement.”
In an informal and friendly setting, women of all nationalities are welcomed.
They have the chance to:
. meet and befriend other new residents, as well as locals
. share experiences and strategies to settle
. discuss all sorts of questions about everyday life
. learn about Sydney and Australian culture
. get ideas on how to get involved in their local community
‘Key to Sydney’ next meetings are:
– “Welcoming Potluck”, Tuesday 16th July, 6-8pm, HACC Meeting room, Lionel Bowen Library Maroubra.
– Tuesday 30th July, 6-8pm, HACC Meeting room, Lionel Bowen Library Maroubra
– Tuesday 13th August, 6-8pm, HACC Meeting room, Lionel Bowen Library Maroubra
– Tuesday 27th August, 6-8pm, HACC Meeting room, Lionel Bowen Library Maroubra
– Saturday 31st August, Special networking event, time and place TBC
All these events are free, conducted with the help of a Community grant from Randwick City Council.
More information and registration:
Or enquire by email at
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