India’s 72nd Independence Day

By Rekha Bhattacharjee

15th August 2019 will have our Flag Hoisting Ceremony to celebrate India’s 72ndh Independence Day in Canberra at the Indian High Commissioner’s residence and that of Consulate Generals in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.

Hoisting of the Tri Colour and singing of the National Anthem followed by the reading of the President of India’s speech, cultural items, a Morning Tea draws a number of people in spite of being a working day.

In India celebrating freedom has children dressed in tri colour hues. The Prime Minister inspects the guard of honour outside Red Fort before delivering the traditional speech on Independence Day from Red Fort, New Delhi.

We are reminded of our first Prime Minister Pandit Nehru’s words that 

“India will be what we are; our thoughts and actions will shape her. All of us talk of India and all of us demand many things from India. What do we give her in return? India will ultimately give us what we give of love and service.

and productive and creative work.” 

We the Diaspora should strive to be a source of pride for India.

The 20 Million and more persons of Indian origin in 136 countries have strong

Bonds of solidarity. In India this is being celebrated by Pravasi Bharati each year on the 9th January.

We are proud of India’s vibrant democracy and the resilience of our democratic institutions.

Indians in Australia are proud of India Australia’s Trade and people to people ties. Australian multiculturalism is built on the ability for us to maintain our cultural links and at the same time participate fully in the wider Australian community.

Indian community in Australia consists of highly skilled professionals who have become very successful in their chosen careers. We contribute much to the rich diversity of the nation.

The history of Indian Immigration to Australia can be traced back to 1800s!

In the states of Australia, Indian community continues to make great contributions in the areas of Public Service, Education, Science, Engineering, Medicine and arts, 

In the State of Queensland, Indian links go back to the European settlement days. The Indian people have made great contribution to the development of tropical agriculture. In Queensland. over many years.

The contribution made by Indians in Australia have been important across        the whole spectrum of economic activity in this country just as Australia’s culture has been enriched by contributions from one of the world’s oldest civilization. 

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