Sadhguru in Sydney: ‘This is the best time for immense potential for humanity to transform’
By Sudha Kumar

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev was in Sydney in July. He addressed a huge gathering of about 4800 people at the Dome, Sydney Olympic Park. His last visit was about seven years ago. The gathering was an eclectic mix of all hues of humans. There was a music ensemble that rendered live soulful music leading upto the discourse, and at the conclusion.
With an ability to speak to a wide range of age groups on a wide range of subjects, Sadhguru had his audience thoroughly engaged for a good two hours, with no break.
Some of the take away points of the discourse were –
Science and mysticism have the roots in the same basic question of asking “Why?”. We are a generation that is most comfortable and yet the least joyous. That sharp intellect is like a sharp knife. Depends on how one intends to use it. We remain a species that is most mesmerised by our own sense of ”˜logic’. That we are still wrapped within the physical and tangible ”˜boundary’ of our being, while the very nature of being human is being ”˜boundless’.
That our actions and anxieties arise from our collective memories and imaginations.
Explaining that the need of our times is to ”˜look within’ Sadhguru takes this rationale:
”˜Until recently our lives were dependent on our brawn, muscle power. Then Industrial Revolution happened and made our muscle power redundant. But we still needed our knowledge. So we accumulated powerful knowledge and stored it in our memory. It worked wonders. The greater our capacity for memory, greater was our achievement. We rode on our achievements.’
And then ”˜Alexa’ came home.
‘Today AI (artificial intelligence) is poised to take over our mental processing and capacity for memory. And AI needs no learning curve. So quality of memory is becoming redundant’. (No denying that. Because few of us remember our countless long phone numbers or our numerous passwords). ”˜And yet we remain the same human with the same wants, needs desires and seeking that define us’.
And as such we need to delve into that dimension of our mind and intelligence that is beyond memory and logic. That which results in a ”˜pleasantness of being’.
As much as all of the above calls for intense intercourses of the intellectual kind, Sadhguru’s innate ability to impart deep philosophical perspectives with simple everyday examples, flecked with wit and humour and his now familiar query ”˜Hello?’ or ”˜Isn’t it’ as he sought a reaction or response from his audience, is quite extraordinary.
Question time had members in the audience seeking answers to deep personal as well as philosophical conflicts. Sadhguru again reiterated the same guiding principle that we are masters of our mind, body and spirit. We are the masters of our life.
Sadhguru wound up imploring his audience to acknowledge the power of the time that we live in, and harness our potential to live our lives to the utmost. Many great souls have walked this Earth but their wisdom could be accessed only by limited number of people over limited period of time, because of the limitations of their times.

He said, “For the first time in our history, we have the capacity to speak to the entire humanity. The idea here is not to create a new religion or a new organisation, but to help every human reach his/her potential. Up until now humans largely were thought for – by rulers, by books, by people, largely by another. In today’s time each can access and think for themselves. This is the time. It is the first time and the best time when there is this immense potential for humanity to transform. Let’s make it the best time ever in the history of humanity!’.
And with that Sadhguru stepped down to mingle with the audience. He requested with a chuckle that his feet not be ”˜molested’. But of course they went ahead and did just that.
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