India Club Diwali on November 9

India Club Inc. is celebrating Diwali on November 9 this year!
Says India Club President, Shubha Kumar, “Experience the joy, the elation and the energy spilled in the India Club Iconic Diwali Celebration Gala. Its an occasion to shimmer, shine, sparkle, dance & party.”
Look forward to:

*Glamorous Elegant Energetic Evening*
*Multicultural Entertainment*
*Yummy Dinner* and Much more
India Club wants you to book your seats / table of 10 right now; take advantage of early bird discounted price (for a short while only); Program and payment details in the attached Flyer
India Club events are Open to ALL in Australia.
Tickets: Members: $65 Non Members: $70
Ring Subha on 0402 257 588 or 9873 1207 0r Email:
Dr. Aksheya Kumar 0420 747 080 or Email:
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