UIA executive for 2021 announced

United Indian Associations Inc (UIA) held its Annual General Meeting on Sunday December 6, 2020 at Wenty Leagues Club.
Election of a new Executive Committee and Office Bearers was carried out under supervision and Chairmanship of UIA Legal Advisor Mr Mohan Sundar.
President elect Sunil Vyas, a general practitioner in South-West Sydney said he was humbled to be elected as the president and looks forward to working with a very talented Executive for the further progress of UIA and the Indian-Australian community.
Dave Passi as the vice president, a passionate worker for community since his immigration to Australia in 1972 has been serving UIA as Secretary and Joint Secretary for 4 years. Dave is the current Indian Seniors Group Hornsby president serving the seniors in the area for the last 11 years.
The association re-elected Satish Bhadrana as the secretary of UIA, a dedicated community volunteer who has worked with victims of domestic violence and supporting them, also instrumental in helping the newly arrived migrants and is happy that UIA is once again providing him with the opportunity to serve the community.
Ms Dimple Jani is acting as the joint secretary to the executive committee of UIA, a professional Control Systems Engineer and an entrepreneur, Dimple takes great pride in her cultural roots. Having been involved in voluntary service with Sydney Sindhi Association and Harman Foundation, Dimple is inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s maxim “be the change you want to see in the world”. With that vision in mind, and to serve the community on a wider scale, she is excited to have been elected to the Executive Committee of UIA as Joint Secretary.
Mr Goppanahalli, was elected as the treasurer of UIA, an IT Professional who has been involved in community service in various ways and capacities for over 30 years and Founder Member of Sydney Kannada Sangha Inc (SKS) and previous 2 term President. He is also Founder Member of Basava Samithi of Australasia Inc (BSOA) and past President, Vice-President of Veerashaiva Samaja of Asia-Pacific Inc (VSAP).
As Treasurer and Governing Council Member, Mr Goppanahalli looks forward to serving UIA and taking it forward.
Kiran Desai is elected as the joint treasurer who migrated to Australia in 2003 and is an Energy & Insurance Consultant to help Business reduce their energy needs. From his previous work in Mumbai, Kiran also brought a wealth of extensive experience in Media Production and Marketing.
Kiran looks forward to further serving our Community by using his various talents for the benefit of UIA as Joint Treasurer on the Executive.
Vijaykumar Halagalli, two-term public officer and co-ordinating India Australia Friendship Fair booking stalls for UIA, his diverse community activities also include serving on the National Committee of Hindu Council of Australia. With his passion for a clean environment, he has co-ordinated and led Clean Up Australia Day activities for over 15 years. Vijaykumar was presented a plaque at the 2018 Deepavali Fair by Prime Minister Morrison for “Excellence in Community Work”.
Vijaykumar looks forward to serving the community as UIA Public Officer. Not surprisingly, his many years expertise in constitutional matters and running of community organisations should be of immense benefit for UIA.
The Annual General Meeting of UIA unanimously requested Mr Mohan Sundar to continue to act as UIA’s Honorary Legal Advisor and he has kindly consented to do so.
It seems UIA under Dr Vyas’ stewardship is going to revive and strive to work towards unity as well as progress for the betterment of the Indian community settled here.
The following were declared duly elected by the Returning Officer:
President: Dr Sunil Vyas
Vice-President: Dave Passi
Secretary: Satish Bhadranna
Joint Secretary: Ms Dimple Jani
Treasurer: Mr Onkaraswamy Goppanahalli
Joint Treasurer: Mr Kiran Desai
Public Officer: Mr Vijaykumar Halagali
Honorary Legal Advisor: Mr Mohan Sundar (Sun Legal Blacktown)
Short URL: https://indiandownunder.com.au/?p=15978