Pink Sari Inc. launches new vital health programs for the South Asian community
Pink Sari Inc proudly launched two new projects namely ‘Beyond Pink’ and ‘Cervical Screening for Survival’ through a digital event on Friday January 29th, 2021 funded by the Cancer Institute NSW.
Pink Sari Inc. President, Ms Shantha Viswanathan, said she wants people in her community to know how important it is to participate in screening programs. “Early detection is crucial, it improves treatment options and gives people the best chance of survival.”
“We are incredibly grateful to NSW Government and the Cancer Institute NSW for their support. Their investment will allow Pink Sari Inc. to change the life of many women who would not otherwise have discovered their diagnosis until it was too late,” Ms Viswanathan said.
Acting Minister for Sport, Multiculturalism, Seniors & Veterans, Geoff Lee said he supported initiatives which will save women’s lives.
Mr Lee said, “We know culturally and linguistically diverse communities experience unique challenges when it comes to accessing health information, advice and culturally appropriate care and support. Pink Sari Inc. is a group of dedicated community volunteers undertaking incredibly important work to help women in their communities access the screening and the support they need.”
Chief Cancer Officer and CEO of the Cancer Institute NSW, Professor David Currow was pleased to launch the initiatives and said working with trusted community organisations such as Pink Sari is key to improving culturally appropriate care and support.
“We know that cancer is an incredibly complicated and emotional topic at the best of times. These programs will improve health outcomes for communities at risk and will be delivered by trusted organisations with the necessary relationships, skills and expertise,” Professor Currow said.
The ‘Cervical Screening for Survival’ project, a partnership between Pink Sari Inc. , the Australian Indian Medical Graduates Association and the Australian Medical Aid Foundation, will focus on raising awareness amongst Indian and Sri Lankan women in Western Sydney and South Western Sydney about the importance of early detection of cervical cancer and the National Cervical Screening Program.
”˜Beyond Pink’, a partnership between Pink Sari Inc. and NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, focuses on the primary and secondary carers of cancer patients, cancer patients undergoing treatment, those in remission and survivors. It aims to empower carers with the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to better support the people they are caring for as well as to take better care of themselves.
Director of the NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service (MHCS), Lisa Woodland, said that working in close partnership with dedicated community led organisations such as the Pink Sari Inc is one of the best strategies to ensure that we are able to deliver culturally and linguistically appropriate resources to the multicultural communities.
“We are proud and honoured to continue working side by side with Pink Sari Inc, to effectively address the needs of carers through an evidenced approach to provide them support with the delivery of much needed resources and services”
About Pink Sari Inc.:
Pink Sari Inc is a volunteer-based, grass roots, not-for-profit organisation whose vision is to provide South Asian communities with information and support to improve their knowledge and ability to lessen the impact of certain types of cancer.
Pic by Harmohan Walia
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